Embassy Announces Economic Mission to Cameroon from 31 Oct. – 3rd Nov 2022.
As a follow up on the recommendations of the Cameroon Economic and Cultural Week that took place earlier this year in The Hague, the Cameroon Embassy in The Hague has the pleasure to announce that an Economic Mission to Cameroon has been scheduled to take place from the 31st October to the 3rd November 2022.
This milestone mission would undoubtedly lay the bedrock of a new business relationship between the Dutch and Cameroonian businessmen. In this regard, meetings have been scheduled amongst others with government officials, mayors, enterprises, farmers, and research institutions.
Focus sectors would include, but not limited to the agribusiness (cocoa, organic banana and plantains, white pepper, honey, renewable energy, smart cities, and water management.
Interested Dutch and Luxembourgian investors and businessmen, and the Cameroonian diaspora are invited to register with the Cameroon Embassy using the email address info@cameroonembassy.nl
Registration closes on the 15th October 2022.
Included below is the tentative programme of the mission.
Should there be any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us via the email address mentioned above or by calling +31(0)703469715.